Environmental Technology is…

… a term I use to describe what I really enjoy doing.

I think I’ll start this blog by trying to define what I mean by environmental technology, since that what we brand ourselves as. It’s pretty simple in my mind:

Any sort of technology that helps people to do whatever they are doing in the environmental field.

This is a deliberately broad definition, but at Gaia Resources we define it to include technology to help our clients to collect data in the field, manage that data, and then map this data using Geographical Information Systems. I guess what we do also includes the bioinformatics field, what used to be called Information Technology, and of course, a lot of the environmental field – including taxonomy, ecology and other disciplines.

This blog has been created to allow myself, Tim and Andrew to post articles that we think are useful to our clients, or at least spark some ideas.  We’re expecting to include technical hints and tips, interesting web sites, links to thought-provoking articles and generally just give us a bit more free rein to write about things that interest us, and will be of use to a wider audience.

If you’ve got feedback about the blog posts, for the moment we’ll ask you to drop us an email.  We’re looking at public comment systems and other community features, but for the moment we’ll stick with an email post and see how that goes.

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