In 2021 we partnered with the Global Wetlands team from Griffith University to respond to a challenge that the Australian Institute of Marine Science (AIMS) had set on automating fish identification. This was a challenge delivered through the Department of Industry, Science, Energy and Resources’ Business Research and Innovation Initiative, and we were successful in getting through the first stage of this competitive process. As a result, we built a prototype called “Fishscale”: developed as a web platform, backed by Artificial Intelligence, Fishscale was able to identify fish species and counts from many hours of Baited Remote Underwater Video System footage, and do it in mere minutes. The Fishscale project was an exciting project - working in collaboration with researchers, implementing one of our first AI projects, and doing so while under a “challenge” environment. While Fishscale wasn’t chosen by AIMS to win the challenge, the Global Wetlands team continue to develop the technology under the FishID banner.