In the first half of 2019, Gaia Resources was engaged to develop a mobile application for Animal Disease Notifications. Agriculture Victoria needed an app that would allow users to easily and quickly notify the Department of the presence or suspicion of notifiable animal diseases. The app – available on the iOS App Store and Android Google Play store – is primarily directed to vets, but it can also be used by animal owners, primary producers, livestock agents and other people who work with animals.”
The key parts of the app are the ability to call the Exotic Animal Disease hotline, add geo-located pictures to the submission, and include all the details required under the Livestock Disease Control Act 1994. The information goes directly to the Chief Veterinary Officer’s Unit email inbox. More information on notifiable diseases is available at the AgVic web site, http://agriculture.vic.gov.au/agriculture/pests-diseases-and-weeds/animal-diseases/notifiable-diseases
Click here to read the media release by the Minister for Agriculture, or here for our blog entry.