Linking NPI and AER Reporting

On Friday, Sam Nelson from Greenbase came over to give us a return presentation about their work with National Pollutant Inventory (NPI) – and other – reporting. We had previously given them an overview of our disturbance mapping process.  You can see a flyer about our disturbance mapping work here.

Sam and I gave a presentation back in 2008 at the International Association of Impact Assessment conference here in Perth about how the reporting streams for NPI work and the Annual Environmental Assessment (AER) reporting can be tied together neatly, so that you collect data once, but use it for multiple reasons. The presentation was never really released, so here it is below:


Sam and I have been talking about this work for a couple of years now, and last year we got to put it into practice. At one of our client sites, they use Greenbase to do their NPI reporting, and us to do the AER disturbance mapping.  We were able to provide Greenbase with data directly from the disturbance mapping that went into the “open areas” calculations to work out dust generation to a very accurate measure.

Think of it this way:

  • Do you get your disturbance mapping done for your AER via imagery?
  • Do you do NPI reporting?

If you do both of these things, then you should have the two processes working together to ensure you have a defensible process – and it’s easy to do.

It you want to know more, contact me on email.

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