Since 2021, Gaia Resources has worked with the Queensland Art Gallery of Modern Art to support the development of the QAGOMA Collections Online website. This site has been developed over time – initially this was about developing a prototype solution with their in-house Digital Transformation staff, which was a rapid development phase to prove the concepts of integrating data from a range of systems.
The Collection Online platform launched in November 2021 after extensive development and beta-testing by the Gallery community, has also been realised to make artworks, images and content more easily discoverable and accessible to audiences everywhere. QAGOMA’s Collection Online now consists of over 100 000 pages, including more than 20 000 object pages, with weekly releases of new content and monthly releases of additional features, including digital stories, behind-the-scenes content, artist videos and high-resolution imagery.
Since its launch, visitor access to the Collection has increased fivefold. This project continues to be a project we are involved in and we continue to support the QAGOMA team, helping them to develop their expertise in this area.