Between 2018 and 2020 Gaia Resources delivered a new Archival Management System for the Queensland State Archives. We did this in conjunction with our consortium partners from Hudson Molonglo and Recordkeeping Innovation through the Digital Archiving Program (DAP) within the Queensland Government.
The internal Archival Management System (ArchivesSpace) went live at the end of June 2020, along with a new public interface for searching the archives (ArchivesSearch), and a new system to support Queensland agencies (ArchivesGateway). While some of these systems are restricted access (ArchivesGateway and ArchivesSpace), ArchivesSpace can be directly accessed by the public.
Gaia Resources continues to maintain a presence in supporting the operational side of these systems through an ongoing support contract, whereby we provide support, maintenance, enhancements and an evergreening service to keep the systems up to date.
You can read more about this project in our announcement blog.