Perth NRM releases GRID for community groups

As we highlighted in our previous post about the Living Landscapes conference, Perth Region NRM have been working with us for some time, and have just made their instance of GRID available for the community groups that they work with, at no cost to them.  Behind the scenes, we are there to also provide support for these groups, via telephone and email support.


GRID runs in your browser and lets you add, edit and view spatial data – as well as produce maps and other reports

Yesterday, James ran the training session for their community groups to get the first round of community group members trained in GRID.  This included a range of people from different “Friends of” and other community groups, from all around the Perth NRM region – which covers the Perth metropolitan region and then some!  This training has given the community groups a good start with GRID and means that they can start reporting on the work that they do for the projects that Perth NRM funds in the region.

If you are a community group working with Perth NRM, you can read more about what is on offer on their web site at  And if you have any queries, then contact either Tracey or myself in the Perth office on (08) 92277309, or email us at


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