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Working with our clients to protect and
improve the natural environment

Gaia Resources has always worked in the environmental field, since our inception, and we’ve provided a wide range of technological solutions to clients over since then.  We provide a range of different services to the environmental field, including:

  • Strategy Development - with over 20 years of operations, applying our expertise to help you develop environmental strategies around your technological needs,
  • Spatial Services - we can undertake project-based spatial analysis work, where we can deliver a holistic solution to you through our in-house team, or we can provide on-site or remote spatial support for your business, 
  • Software Development - across the full Discovery, Design, Develop, Test and Deploy cycle we utilise, we can deliver software across a range of different platforms and languages,
  • Support - we operate an enterprise level help desk service that can be used to support the systems you operate,  
  • Data Science- with a raft of expertise in biodiversity and other environmental data, we specialise in helping our clients get the maximum value from their data, and
  • Training - we run training in the open source package Quantum GIS as both commercial courses and through a freely available online training course.

These services have been delivered across a range of different organisations to deliver a wide variety of environmental technology solutions, as can be seen from the projects shown on the map and list below.

Wildlife Licensing System

Our team have worked on a range of different projects with the Department of Parks and Wildlife over time, and in early 2017 we saw the launch of our work on the new Wildlife Licensing System.

This project included considerable analysis of the existing Wildlife Licensing System, which was nearing its end of life, and looked at how to replicate the required outcomes, but also to deliver on more efficient licencing for both the Department and the many clients that acquire licences from the Department.

Organic Farmgate

The Organic Farm Gate are the largest growers, packers and marketers of Australian grown certified organic produce, and Gaia Resources has worked with them to develop a new online based quotation system to help them manage the wide range of fruits and vegetables that they deal with over the course of the year.

Corals of the World

The Corals of the World project is a project to document the information, identification, distribution and taxonomy of reef building corals – globally.  Gaia Resources has worked with the authors of the Corals of the World books, Charlie Veron and Mary Stafford-Smith (and others) to develop a web based version of these books which can be regularly updated as new information becomes available.

Atlas of Environmental Health

The Western Australian Atlas of Environmental Health was developed by Gaia Resources for the Department of Health, with support from the Cooperative Research Centre for Spatial Information.  The initial launch of the system in April 2016 (read our launch blog here) focused on the Medical Entomology module (which in turn has a focus on mosquito management), but also includes the Aboriginal Environmental Health and Water Quality Testing modules, which are yet to be launched.

Forest Products Commission Web Redevelopment

In April, 2016 we worked with the Western Australian Forest Products Commission to redevelop their web site.

The role that Gaia Resources played in the project was to review and implement the design for the site, support the team at Forest Products Commission to develop procedures and to migrate content to the new site, develop new functionality and to ensure that the site launched smoothly.

Trails WA

The Department of Parks and Wildlife engaged Gaia Resources to build TrailsWA in late 2015.

The TrailsWA app is designed to provide a means to search for a trail by a range of different aspects (such as difficulty) or even by distance from where you currently are.  The app works offline as well, so that you can search for a trail near you even when you are outside of mobile phone range, and then use the app while you are hiking on that trail.  You can read more about the app in our blog.

South Coast NRM Online GIS

We have implemented GRID within South Coast NRM Inc and coupled it with additional training in the QGIS desktop package, to roll out a complete enterprise solution for the organisation.  Our staff were involved in the definition of the activities and base layers in GRID before we delivered on-site training in Albany in both GRID and QGIS, and provide ongoing support for the team from our office in Leederville.  You can read more about this project via the blog at the following arti

Pilbara Corridors

Gaia Resources has been supporting the Pilbara Corridors project in delivering a range of spatial services.  With the Rangelands NRM GRID instance as a core part of this project, we have captured a wide range of data on projects happening in the Pilbara, and made it publicly available through the Pilbara Corridors web site (click here).  In addition, we have provided a range of support for the Conservation Action Planning process, including preparing datasets, map products, and in attending and supporti


Our team worked with Department of Parks and Wildlife staff from Office of Information Management, the Science and Conservation Division and the Kimberley Region to build the first iteration of BioSys. This project developed a pilot system to support the efficient (and centralised) capture, curation and management of biological field observation data within the Department.  There is further planned development for BioSys to expand the role out past the Kimberley region and to become a central part of the data infrastructure within the Department.

State Environmental Data Library

Gaia Resources worked with the Department of Mines and Petroleum (Western Australia) on the prototype for the State Environmental Data Library in 2015.  This involved determining the data standard for the Library, based on our knowledge of the subject matter, industry needs and the potential workloads involved.  Once data standards and capture processes were set, a large volume of spatial data was then captured from historical mining reports to populate the Library.  This data was supplied to the Department at regular intervals in order to populate their prototype Library por

Environmental QGIS Training

Gaia Resources is now running commercial environmental QGIS training, as announced earlier in 2015 on our blog.  We have been rolling out environmentally-focused QGIS training since June 2014 (click here for a blog on some of our previous training for the Western Australian Natural Resource Management community) and now are able to offer it to a wider audience through commercial traini

Prawn Watch

Prawn Watch is a citizen science project run by the Swan River Trust’s River Guardians program aimed at increasing the community’s understanding of prawns in Western Australia’s Swan and Canning rivers, and Gaia Resources has participated in this by developing the Prawn Watch app for Apple and Android mobile devices.  The app allows the prawning community

Discovery Circle

Gaia Resources supported the Discovery Circle project by providing hosting and development services around their web site and citizen science projects, based at  The team at Gaia Resources were involved in setting up the infrastructure for the site, and provided ongoing hosting for the core Discovery Circle project, and its underlying citizen science projects as well.

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