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Working with our clients to
manage their collections

Gaia Resources has delivered a wide range of solutions to the collections community, across the Galleries, Libraries, Archives and Museums sector.  We provide a range of different services to the collections community, including:

  • Strategy Development - with over 20 years of operations, applying our expertise to help you develop collections strategies around your technological needs,
  • Collection Management Systems - we provide a range of services around open source Collections Management Systems software, including implementation, customisation and support,
  • Software Development - across the full Discovery, Design, Develop, Test and Deploy cycle we utilise, we can deliver software across a range of different platforms and languages,
  • Support - we operate an enterprise level help desk service that can be used to support the systems you operate.

These services have been delivered across a range of different organisations to deliver a wide variety of collections solutions, as can be seen from the projects shown on the map and list below.

State Records Office WA - Archival Management System Support

Since our implementation of the AtoM based Archival Management System in 2015, Gaia Resources has provided enterprise level support for the State Records Office WA.

This project has seen us deliver support services using a Service Level Agreement (SLA) approach.  These SLAs are tiered to provide appropriate levels of support for organisations that need dedicated support for their systems, based on their needs and available budgets.

National Species List Web Site Discovery and Design

Gaia Resources was engaged by the National Species Lists team, under the Australian Director of National Parks, to assist in the development of a roadmap for the future technical direction for the National Species Lists.  The focus of this project was to create a roadmap for the creation of new information-based websites that provide features to support exploration and presentation of taxonomic data.  To accomplish this, a range of investigations were firstly undertaken along with virtual workshops with stakeholders across Australia, before the team from

Queensland State Archives - Transcribing Archives with Artificial Intelligence

Gaia Resources supported the Queensland State Archives as they prepared for the Frontier Wars documentary and exhibit, by using our Clio Artificial Intelligence (AI) tool to transcribe handwritten letters.  Clio is a web based system built around the Amazon Web Services Textract product, and it enables uploading, reviewing and correcting of scanned forms like field data sheets through the web interface.

QAGOMA Collections Online

Since 2021, Gaia Resources has worked with the Queensland Art Gallery of Modern Art to support the development of the QAGOMA Collections Online website.  This site has been developed over time – initially this was about developing a prototype solution with their in-house Digital Transformation staff, which was a rapid development phase to prove the concepts of integrating data from a range of systems.


In 2017 Gaia Resources was awarded a small grant as part of the TWiG (Testing Within Government) program within the Advance Queensland initiative. This allowed us to collaborate with the Queensland State Archives to develop a platform for visualising collection items and providing a way to explore the collections using spatial and content relationships.

Pacific Manuscripts Bureau

The Pacific Manuscripts Bureau copies archives, manuscripts and rare printed material relating to the Pacific Islands. The aim of the Bureau is to help with long-term preservation of the documentary heritage of the Pacific Islands and to make it accessible.  The Pacific Manuscripts Bureau microfilm collection is the most extensive collection of non-government primary documentation on the Pacific Islands available to researchers.  The Bureau is supported by the Australian National University

Archival support for the Office of the Auditor General

We were asked by the team from the Office of the Auditor General (Western Australia) to help them develop a roadmap for their archival management in the face of considerable change – namely the refreshing of a range of their document management systems (a mix of different platforms, which represented a challenge in itself).  As part of this work, we ran a small initial workshop with the core team at the Office, which helped us to develop an understanding of the challenges that they were facing.

Public Record Office Victoria

Public Record Office Victoria

We have worked with Public Records Office Victoria (PROV) to migrate their archival management system (to CollectiveAccess), as part of a wider Digital Archive renewal project that they are running.

Our role in this project has centered around the implementation of the new Archival Management System, migration of the data from one system to another, and the subsequent testing and integration of the system with the staff within PROV. It has involved a lot of preparation work, understanding data models, and migration to a new data model.

Discovering Queensland

In 2017, Gaia Resources applied to join the Testing Within Government (TWiG program) as part of Advance Queensland, and were successful in our application – leading to the Discovering Queensland project, where we partnered with the Queensland State Archives to “bring the archival collection to life”.


Built as a prototype and currently under redevelopment for a larger launch, the Tasmanc project commenced in 2017 and was aimed at combining collection information with tourism information.  The choice was made to implement the prototype site in the Drupal platform.

University of Tasmania Archives

We have been supporting the University of Tasmania in their development of new archival systems, including supporting them in the implementation of the AccesstoMemory (AtoM) system.  This project involved the setup and implementation of a new AtoM instance for the University, and has since gone on to include the provision of a range of other support including infrastructure and software support.

St Aloysius’ College Archival Support

Gaia Resources provides a range of services to St Aloysius’ College in the area of Archives.  Working with their internal Archivist, we provide ongoing support and hosting for their Archival Management System, based on the AccesstoMemory (AtoM) platform.  In addition, we also support their Digital Preservation activities, through a hosted and supported Archivematica instance.  Working within a restricted budget, we provide service and support to the College remotely.

Collection Management System and Web Site Redevelopment

Gaia Resources has worked with the Royal Western Australian Historical Society to realise their vision of providing present and future generationswith access to the history of Western Australia by significantly upgrading the Society’s existing digital Museum, Photograph, Library collections (as well as the Public Memorials dataset) into a new web-enabled collections management system, using Collective Access.

Collection Management at the WA Museum

Gaia Resources has enjoyed a close relationship with the Western Australian Museum since we were founded back in 2004.  From our early days we helped the Museum to maintain their existing Collection Management Systems, and in January 2014 we began the process of rolling out CollectiveAccess within the Museum.  This open source Collection Management System was chosen after considerable review, and has proven to be an adaptable system that we are rolling out and supporting across the Museum.  You can read more about this project vi

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